Date(s) - 19/06/2015
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Hickling Broad
Macro Photography Workshop
This specialist macro photography workshop in Norfolk is an opportunity to do some close up work with insects and plants. We will look at various techniques for macro photography including mastering depth of field, using off-camera flash and manual focus. You will try your hand at close up images of various insects such as butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, bees, hoverflies and more. We will look at ways of anticipating good shots. Our venue will be Hickling Broad in Norfolk, which is a great habitat for all kinds of interesting insects and other wildlife.
In addition to insect photography we will also try plant photography and flower photography. Plants and flowers are good subjects for more abstract styles as well as more natural shots.
You will need to bring a camera (preferably DSLR) with a lens that focus up close (less than 1 meter away from the subject, preferably closer). A specialist macro lens or your own extension tubes would be a benefit. Alternatively, there will be Nikon extension tubes available to try on the day. A tripod would be very helpful and please do bring a flash or ring flash if you have one, along with a trigger if possible. If you are at all uncertain about your equipment, please do get in touch before booking. You will need to be familiar with setting aperture, shutter speed and ISO. If you are uncertain of how to use your various camera settings and modes, you might like to try one of our introductory workshops or our level 1 photography course first.
This macro photography workshop will entail a small amount of walking but this will be on level surfaces. We will be near plants and insects so if you have any allergies please do bear this in mind. Hickling Broad is operated by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust so you will get free entry if you are a member. If not, then please bring money to pay for your entry (about £5).
We will be a very small group on the day to enable each participant to get the most out of their experience.
Bookings are closed for this event.