So much happens over the course of a year that I thought I’d bring together a selection of images showing some of my 2018 highlights. The video features images created during workshops and one to one photography training sessions as well as some of my own personal project work. This year I earned 2 Gold Awards and 7 Highly Commended Awards from The Societies of Photographers. I also successfully passed my assessment to become an Associate of the Society of International Commercial & Industrial Photographers (ASICIP) with a panel of interior (architectural) images. Various images were selected for international exhibitions including in India and Serbia. 2018 also saw my first solo photography exhibition in Norwich. This was a celebration of the various awards I’ve achieved over the years and it was wonderful seeing so much of my work on display in print. I hope you enjoy seeing this collection of some of my favourite moments from 2018. It has been set to a piece of music (“Drivin’ Rain”) by Dave Brons. Do check his work out!